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Last Update:  December 26, 2020
On-line at PTW: May 6, 2020



Testing an Elder's Fruit
( for the Retired Senior Citizen who professes to be following Jesus Christ )


Have I been just waiting to die to be with Jesus?  Maybe I should be taking advantage of this time of life and this opportunity provided by God, to step away from the world, so that I might look inward and upward?   Maybe I should  be dealing with past errors, setting things right, making peace over past issues, making amends with others. 

How have I spent my time?  Was I self-centered, playing games, socializing, gossiping, bragging about my offspring to anyone who would listen, showing family photos, gratifying my flesh, exalting my infirmities with repeated recitations of my ailments, my doctors, my medications, my family issues?

Is insomnia a curse or an untapped blessing?  Could someone up there be trying to get my attention?  Maybe I should be asking forgiveness of God for my turning  away from Him, to mySELF and my selfish desires and motivations, to having faith in the things of men and the world.   

Is it about time, at long last, that I start  listening for guidance, admitting the wrongs I have done, confessing my unforgiveness, confessing my faults to those I have wronged?

Do I realize that at my Judgement, I will be recompensed for my unconfessed sins, the evil deeds that are still on my record — deeds that were done by me while in the flesh?... opportunities missed and taken, help withheld or given, time spent in service to light or darkness.  If I don't use the time of this life and the opportunity provided by Jesus Christ to wipe clean those sins, then will they go with me beyond death to be dealt with there? 

For more on this from the old manuscripts, we recommend an online visit to What awaits the Soul after Death?

Have you not heard of this need to confess sins and repent of them  before? Were you assured that you're saved by the teachings of our modern Christianity?  Is Our Gospel the same as the Original Gospel?  If not, what are some of The Differences?

If you think that all is well with you, but might still be interested to find out where you are along your spiritual path, if you are not sure what those unconfessed sins might be, we would recommend an on-line spot-check along the way, designed for seekers just like you, prepared from their own experiences, by other brethren with much love.

Beloved, if your visit here is found to be helpful to your spiritual walk, we praise our Heavenly Father for His coincidence that sent you, and we pray that you will listen carefully for more counsel from His Holy Spirit, the Spirit of Truth,  who will confirm all things.  

The Butterflies, in their variety, beauty, their transformations, the pleasant experiences and the wonder  that they provided for us as children, show us  the superlative designs of our Creator. 
Butterflies are short-lived compared to humans, but they have an internal drive to complete all of their tasks as they near the end of their life's journey,

We Praise you, O Most High God, for your Butterflies. 
May we all learn from their examples!


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