AUTHENTIC REPRODUCTION of the Original Printing — 1700
FILE 1 of 4 
[FILE 1 contains Journal entries beginning with January 1st, 1678 through February 22nd, 1678]

Jane Lead, 17th Century Prophetess of God [1624–1704]: A Personal Diary of her Spiritual Experiences and Encounters with the Godhead during 1678.

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On-line at PTW: December 25, 1999
  Last update: February 26, 2014





G a r d e n s:

O R,

A   S P I R I T U A L   D I A R Y

O F   T H E

Wonderful Experiences of a CHRISTIAN
OUL, under the Conduct of the
Heavenly W

Continued for the Year    MDCLXXVIII.

P. J. De Loutherbourg

 Vol. III:  Part I,

By   J. LEAD.

Printed in the Year  1700.


Transcription Note:   As an introduction to her readers,  J. L. wrote the following Epistle at the time
of printing, which was over 20 years after this Journal was written.



T h e    E p i s t l e   t o

t h e    R e a d e r.

FOR as much as the Author of this Diary hath been led up to the Watch-Tower, as a foreseer of that great and notable Day Prophesied of, relating unto the Manifestation of the descending Powers of the Holy Ghost, preparing and ushering in the Glorious Reign and Kingdom of our Emmanuel: which so near approaching is, that under a Mighty constraining Power, I am to Alarm all Ranks, Orders, and Degrees of Persons, from the highest to the lowest, that so they may be found in a readiness, to entertain the Joyful tidings of the Reign and Dominion of Christ in Spirit. I shall first begin with the Imperial Powers of the Earth, viz. Kings, Queens, Nobles, and all of that Progeny, to whom Principally as from the High Court and Council of Heaven, this Message is sent, that you may understand this is the acceptable Time and Season, for the fulfilling of that Prohpesie, to come forth and shew yourselves to be Nursing Fathers and Nursing Mothers to the Church of the First Born, that is now to be gathered out of the various Forms, Traditions and Customs, that have been built up only of Man’s Wisdom, into the Power, Life and Glorious Ministration of the Spirit: which is the main Drift and Scope, of what you will find in this Volume treated of. The Author being led into that Prophetical Dispensation, in order to what may be expected, to have its ensuing consummation in this Age of Time, has received a charge to excite you as being what is incumbent upon you, as you stand in great Power and Authority, to be Incouragers and Supporters, for the helping forward the Work of this great Day; for be it known unto you, that no less is demanded from you by the High and mighty Prince of Glory. For as God has put into your Hand an advantage more than others, for the Propagating of his Kingdom, so more eminent Instruments you may be, for the drawing and gathering in them, that have lain scattered and dispersed into Christ’s fold, and that you may each one in your several Stations appear in that Kingly Josiah-Spirit, making it your whole design to Reform and Build up that, which under great decay since the Apostles time have been, and the reviving again that which hath been buried under a Cloud of Ignorance, Deadness and Earthlymindedness. Now be wise for your selves, O ye Kings and Princes of the Earth, for in as much as you seek and promote the Honour of God, and Reign of his Kingdom here upon the Earth, so he will establish not only your Thrones and Kingdoms here below, but also in the Heavenly places, which are permanent and durable, Crowns that cannot fall away; which may be a sufficient Motive to stir you up, after the pursuit of so great an Enterprize. I have only this one Consideration further to provoke you hereunto: Which is, that One Devout and Godly Prince may be a means, by the Spirits assistance to reduce, and gain a whole Nation into Obedience and Conformity, to the Laws of the Divine Kingdom. And O ! what transcendent Dignity will it then be, when every King shall become a King, Priest, and Prophet, unto God? Blessed will you be that shall find such an Holy Ambition hereunto, for which the Author shall pray for you all most Ardently.

And now I shall proceed, according to Commission given me, to speak a Word or two to the Ecclesiastical Order, and all other Pastors and Teachers, under what Denomination soever, that since the Day-spring from on high, has begun to cast forth its Rays of Light in greater brightness than heretofore, you are now required to consider to what your Ministry tends to, which is no more to be according to a dead draught of literal knowledge, collected and gathered up from Historical Authors. This face of covering from off the true Ministry is to be rent away, as the Spirit’s day draweth near; which will take up such as shall be as sounding Trumpets, and Horns filled with pure Golden Oil; that as there has been a sowing in the Deadness of the Letter, there may be a going forth to sow the live Sparks, flowing from the springing Power of the Holy Ghost; which will be as a true Seal upon your Commission, and so the Primitive Glory shall break forth brighter than ever. And who would not be found as Ambassadors and Messengers, to proclaim the Mighty appearance of those gushing Powers, which from the Heavenly Worlds are upon their pouring forth? Some witness hereof undenyably may be tasted, and felt in this ensuing Treatise, where you will plainly see that the Author was not any way accomplish’d by Knowledge, Wisdom, or Understanding from without, but meerly from the fresh rising upsprings of the Holy Spirit which plentifully opened themselves Within: the which manifestation of the Spirit stands free to all the worthy Seekers and Waiters, that shall become desirous and willing to be taught from the immediate Inspiring and Dictates of the Holy Ghost, and so shall you give a true proof of your Ministry, refined from the Dreggs of all mixed and muddy Springs, attending upon that great Angel of the everlasting Covenant’s moving in the pure Pool and Centre of the Soul’s Essence, wherefrom may arise and flow the fresh Anointings: as true Priests, that may feed and nourish your Auditors with sound Wisdom and Knowledge in the Divine Mysteries, and then right Evangelists you will be: reviving that Apostolical Doctrine, which under such a lapse and sad decay has been. In which Cloudy time and day of ignorance, God has withdrawn himself; but now a Mighty rushing Wind from the Heavens doth blow, to breathe Life into the slain Witnesses, that they may rise and Anoint their Shields and come forth, in the Urim and Thummim, to shew their Sealed Ministry from the Holy Ghost. Highly Blessed are those that understand this loud Trumpet-call, giving up themselves in all pure Abstraction and Dedication, as God’s true Priestly Host. This is all I have to commend unto you, who are Pastors, and Teachers, in which great Dignity and Honour, your Function will be Characterized, being such as bear the Inscription of the Lord’s Anointed. And O! what Rejoicings and high Acclamations in the Heavens will be, when such a Ministry as this shall be planted throughout all Nations, for the bringing forth of a new Creation Glory, in the hopes of which I conclude, with Prayers to our great Melchizedeck, King and Priest.

Now the third sort to which my Epistle is directed are, those Heroical Souls, who are already in a good degree Baptized into this Faith, as being made partakers of the inspiring Teachings, and Powers of the Holy Ghost, and who have already given a proof, confession, and ownment, of what hath been publisht of this Divine and Mystick Divinity, which they have encouraged and promoted: What I have further to say to these, is no less than what the Lord himself doth pronounce, Blessed are the Stewards to whom he has committed the choice and precious Treasures that contained are, in that Book of Life that is unsealed in them, and as dear fellow Lovers and Labourers with me, to find out what yet in reserve, is further to be revealed, that we may mutually rejoyce together, through the continued rising, and springing Powers, from the God-head source, that will still be fresh and new. O! what can be more grateful and pleasant than to be entertained with all variety, in our renewed Paradise, planted within our own Souls, wherein our new Eternal Adam has appeared and Espoused us to himself, restoring that pure Virginity, which the first Adam lost out of himself! Here we do know it recovered again, so that the blessing of multiplication, through Spiritual Generation, is known for the encrease and replenishment of the New Earth: where renewed are our walks with God, in all freedom him Eye to Eye to see, in the Spirit of his Glorified Humanity. Thus our lot is fallen in an everlasting and unfadable Land: where now let us all join together as in one united band, supporting and upholding each other, while in our Travelling way, admitting of nothing that would stop or prevent us; till we come to possess in all full Fruition what in Prophecy is specified in the Fountain of Gardens: more principally in this Third Volume, to which I refer you, who are in more nearer Alliance and Congruity in Spirit with me, not doubting but our growth in Spirit shall mightily succeed, so as to become the Lillies wherein with all Love and Delight, we shall with each other meet, and feed together in that Pasture of Love, where our Kingly Shepherd will set his Mark. Which is his own undefiled Name: the inscription of which be upon you, and all those who shall gathered be into the true Philadelphian Fold; in which indissolveable Knot of Love-Unity I desire to be known, both in Time and in Eternity,





of  G A R D E N S.

Vol. III


P A R T     I.

The Divine Openings of the
  M D C L X X V I I I.


[Journal entries beginning with January 1st, 1678
through February 22nd, 1678]


January 1.

A Crystalline Figure descends from the Sea of Glass.

ON New Years-Day, upon the break thereof, this Figure was presented to me, as the Model of a new Creating power, and opened by an Image of transparent Glass, which descended from the Sea of Glass, and stood as upon a Mountain of Earth, which after a very little season mouldered all away, and became a plain. And then it was said, Now observe, and see what will follow. And out of the Belly of this Clarified body did flow Water, that became as a great River, that covered all the plain, which soon drunk these Waters in. And then the Word, said, Spring O Ground, and bring forth another Creation; Then did there rise from the same figurative Body, a pure Light, which sprung within the case of Glass, from the Loyns upwards to the Head, and out of the Mouth a fiery Stream did proceed, which descended where the Waters were drunk in. And it was given immediately by the soft whisper of the Spirit, that this would be the sowing of the Holy Ghost, in a plain and leavened Ground, which would bring forth, after its own kind, as to Spirit and Body; The Lord my God hereby did also signify much to me, which draws the mind to wait attentively, to be made the Subject matter, that may be formed into the like transparency, which doth so naturally flow from the fulness of a Glorified Humanity. Now he is said to be the beginning of that new Creation, which is to succeed the old.

Ah my Lord, who shall enjoy the first Fruits of this pure mingling of the Glassy Sea, from whence the Birth of the Holy Ghost does flow so freely?


January 3. 1678.
The former Vision opened.

THE Love Banner, and Pavilion of Power was said, should be our strong hold and hiding, therefore give your selves no rest till ye find it out, spake the Holy Unction from within. Then was the Vision of the transparent Glassy-Body, further opened unto me, which was presented to shew the Original, from whence the new Creature in the powerful Divine Nature would spring. The Mountain of Earth, which was seen to moulder away, so soon as the Heavenly Figure did appear, was open’d to be the Earthly Man, which became a plain or passive thing, for the Holy Ghost to be sown in. Which would readily drink in this Fountain-Power, and co-injoin together for a Pure Formation, and so come forth a compacted Body all Crystalline, and made all meet for the fiery Breath to enter, and set it upon its Feet to walk with Jesus upon the Glassy-Sea, which encompasseth the Throne of the most Holy, as a Body of Might and great Wonder. For it was revealed that of this kind, the perfect Order of the new Creation would be constituted. Upon which, I was advised by the Counsel of the holy Trinity, to look into this great Mystery: for such a Change to the Elected ones will happen; as they shall here for it believe, and in perseverance prepare to wear such a transfiguring Glory, as may become the Region of Purity, where God and the Lamb do appear with them. For what else does at present deprive us of the Beatifical Vision, and free Society, and liberty of Converse, with what is all Deified, but the meaness of our Spirits, that mixeth and hangeth upon these Earthly things, so as our Lord knows not how to be free, or familiar with us? For we cannot bear the Clarity of this glorified Person, except it be by transient Vision, or by some sudden catchings up, as out of the Body; which remain but for a little season. Now our Spirits have much urged intimacy, and to keep up acquaintance and conversation with him, (who is as Flesh of our Flesh, and as Bone of our Bone) accounting it very grievous to be as excluded from him, who hath undertaken our Restoration, and to be our Restorer. Upon which considerations we have near alliance unto him, for the satisfying and quieting of such restless Spirits, that will in no way be answered, but in a co-existing and mutual Fellowship with the now glorified Person of Jesus. Whose Spirit did most freely and plainly declare unto me, that there was no other way for the attainment hereof, but by the Baptism of Water, and Fire, as the Seed-Life, which consummates the very real Birth of the Holy Ghost, which will absolutely make a perfect and fixed Change through the whole Nature; which till then, we cannot expect that apparent Sight and Union of that high Degree, it taking up all Spiritual Community with him, as we have often specified. For all things relating hereunto must be in equal proportion and suitableness, as New Bottles to hold the mighty vigorous Wine of the Spirit. This Word was unfolded more deep, than what hath been generally seen or understood of it. The Bottle is the new Creature, which signifies the very Form and Figure, in which, and through which, the holy acting Power doth animate in a Body suitable to it self, all of Celestial Matter, according to the Nature of the Glassy-Sea, which admitteth nothing of any Cloudy matter to darken or dim the Glory, Beauty, and Perfection thereof.


January 4. 1678.

The New Creation Clear’d.

HEREUPON came in an Objection, Why this transparent Creation hath been so long withheld; and nothing hereof made manifest, but the old form and figure of things, still running on from Generation to Generation, (the whole Creation being concluded under Sin, Death, Bondage and the Curse) as is apparent to this Day? Whereby an universal Incredulity is taken up, as questioning, Whether ever any such Renovation shall be in order to a Celestial figuration, upon what is now Corporeal?

This is the great Query, that the Lord from Heaven hath given Answer to according to this Word, which shall be expressed thus. That ever since Adam had forfeited, and lost his Angelical Body; through the enchantment of the Serpent, (who could suddenly introduce a strange disguise) upon their Parly, and their compliance with his Temptation; the effects were soon known upon both Adam and Eve, in being turned into a Mortal Image. By which they were in no condition to keep in the Paradisiacal Station, neither could they bear the presence of God, now, as before, who enjoyed his frequent visits, as delighting to see his own Likeness, in the Image of Purity in them: But having changed the Glory of what was incorruptible into a vile corruptible Form, God could no longer bear them so near unto Him: but drove them out into a rude and unplanted Earth, which could bring forth nothing, but through the toyl of the Hand, and sweat of the Brow, as the effects of God’s displeasure. Which Replenishment of this unpolished Earth, is by the continued Labour & Industry of Man kept up. And as one Generation hath succeeded another, so also one hath excelled another in Arts, Sciences, and Skill to contrive all such things, as might be all delightful and pleasureable, in imitation of that true Paradise. Which, (as that was agreeable to the Celestial Image, so) now through the deep searching Reason of the natural fallen Man, hath made great improvement of this Chaos, having so manur’d it, and dignified it, that it is now become as the Garden of God. And now the Creature rejoyceth in the Workmanship of his own Hand, and swallowed up in the pleasant things he hath devised, and brought forth to satisfie all his Senses in, and is at rest in the fulness of all things, that is grateful to this corporeal State; some in the evil and sinful excess, and others in the more sober and moderate use of them, so that they of all sorts, degrees, and kinds, that live in Terrestrial Bodies, do reckon themselves under the law of Necessity, to bow and submit to that subordinate Power, that now doth Govern and Rule by the permission of the Almighty God. Who hath and doth yet suffer it, proving the Spirit of Man hereby in the Trust and Management of what can be extracted out of this Principle, for the support and comfort of a Mortal being. Which was only allowed for the present distress, but not for ever herewith to take up, and so to be at rest in the circulation of an Elementary Life, that is subject to all the effects, that Sin, Sickness, Care, and Sorrow can bring in. God would not, that we should altogether forget What we were in the primary State, and First Formation in Paradise, nor to be deceived or bribed in our Judgments, from this Earthly Principle; which by natural Wisdom, Art, and Industry, is brought into such a pompous, flourishing, pleasureable Habitation, as might seduce and captivate the superiour Life, and altogether drown it in the Floods of pernicious Pleasures. Which the animal, sensual Mind aptly delighteth it self in, thereby forgetting from whence it did proceed, and what its antient Degree was in the eternal Body of Wisdom, before it came down into this vile and Terrestrial form? On which any rarely makes reflection, so as to consider, what hereby they are degraded of; the divine sense being altogether locked up, and the immortal thing ingulphed in the pernitious earthly Life. Though the Mirrour of Truth and Righteousness is come in the figure of Perfection, to convince Man of his degenerate being, as found in the Body of Sin and Death: And to provoke to their turning back unto the Heavenly Country, out from which That in Man, which is Eternal did spring. The way here for it being open’d, by Christ incarnating himself, and so hereby becoming the living Door, for to return into our Father’s House again. And he hath hereunto Summoned the whole fallen and apostatized Creation, that find themselves oppressed and grieved under the Burthen and Yoak of the Sinful oppressing Life, to return. But truly very few are come to the denying, and hating of this strange introduced Life, that is under Sin, and Servitude to all that are of a gross temporary Nature. And God seeing his Creatures to be so satisfied, and reconciled to this low and mean way of existency, in Mortal forms, hath so permitted Generation after Generation, to fulfill their Course, till by a Mortal Death they have expired this Life, and suffered all the effects which Original Sin did bring forth. But now the antient Prophecies of a new State of things are to be fulfilled. And Blessed are they, that are come within the view of this restored State, and do believe to see the Jasper-Stone to descend out of the Everlasting Mountain, to bring forth that strange and wonderful Change upon those, who are first awakened out of the Dead and secure Sleep. For the Hour is come for the dead, or those who have rested in the silent Grave, to hear the Voice of the Trumpet, and thereby to come forth, according to the figuration of the Holy Ghost. As it is written, all shall not dye but be Changed, as meet Subjects, to live under the Reign of the Lamb in a new Sheepfold. Who will be separated from the Goats, and Wolfish Nature, that has acted forth in, and through many, during the Lord’s absence, and disappearance of this his mighty Soveraignity. Jesus often did in his Day dart forth such sayings, as to this Restitution, in reference both to Body, Soul, and Spirit: though the Mystery hereof was little understood, neither then nor to this time is, but by such to whom the clear Glass of Wisdom is given, with the clear Eye of the Spirit to see into it. Which the Mind of God does see into: which verily to my own rational Spirit was very uncouth, and I did often oppose against this Truth, till extraordinary Powers and convincing Arguments renewed daily were for the informing of my belief, and the holy Scriptures brought for the confirmation thereof. Which I shall point to, as they were immediately brought to my mind, as first that in the 11th of John, Whosoever liveth and believeth in me, shall never dye. It was thus expounded to me, ye who were once consider’d dead in Trespasses and Sins, yet through believing in me, as that Creating Power, that entereth you into a new Formation of Life by the Spirit, ye are consecrated thereby, to live evermore in the Unity of my Life. Then that of the 8th of John, Verily if a Man keep my Sayings, he shall never see Death: This was a strange saying, which the Jews took up presently to disprove Him, by the Patriarchs and Prophets, in that they were deceased, which our Lord contradicted not; for except Enoch and Elias, we have no knowledge of any, but they all dyed a natural Death. Yet it is written, God is not the God of the dead, but of the living. Many Scriptures more were open’d to this end. I shall add one more, that of Paul, in the 5th of the Corinthians, For we know if our Earthly Tabernacle be dissolved; & so read on from the first Verse to the 5th, and you may understand what the Apostle drives at: even that Mortality might be swallowed up of Life. But now it may be further questioned, Why the Redemption of the Body was not made manifest in that day, when the Holy Ghost descended? We have nothing in record, that any one upon whom the Cloven Tongue rested, were changed out of their Mortal Figure, only that they were endowed with extraordinary Gifts and Powers, to witness that Christ was ascended, and gave down these Gifts, as he had promised. This very thing was greatly controverted in my own Spirit, therefore I expect it no less to be objected by others. But give me leave to answer such with the same Word, which silenced my doubting Spirit herein, which I dare to affirm was from the pure Unction, who did thus inform me. That those signal Powers, that then wrought forth in the Disciplehood by way of Miracles, in the Curing and Healing of diseased Bodies, and sometimes in raising the Dead, was a Ministration peculiar for that Age. But I will give you the very Words of the Spirit, as they did run through me, saying, That now these Cures wrought upon Diseased Mortals, were but as a forerunning Type to shew, that the same Spirit of Power would work in it’s day, in a far higher and more wonderful way than by propping and keeping up the old Fabrick of Mortality, which could never bring perfect Restoration to the burthened and grieved Seed. Therefore expect another day of Pentecost to come, which will bring a perfect cure to Mortals, even to a transmuting of the vile Bodies, that they may conspicuously and transparently appear, so as they may in likeness be to the Jasper-Stone, to their Head Prince and Lord. This will be the next shower, and Rushing Power, that will go through the Mortal Death. Which all in common, the Just and Unjust without distinction have put off the Body alike. This is granted, for thus it hath been ever since the relapse, and driving out of Paradise. But what though Death hath Reigned over all this 5000 and odd Years, hath God so decreed it, that it shall be so to the end of time? No, verily, the last Ages shall see other things, as the Holy Inspirator hath frequently shewed me. And while doubts have come to overthrow the Testimony of the Spirit herein: When speaking by Vision, and so therefrom interpreting the Mind of Christ accordingly; In this method I have been much instructed, and the Vail upon the letter taken off, that so an Understanding might be given me in the antient Records of Truth, to confirm what is the present Dispensation, that some (known to the Lord) are under present and private Prophesies of, answering to foregoing ones, that were taught by the same Spirit, which becomes their Sealing Evidence.

But to proceed to those other Scriptures, which were brought in for further Ratification of this great Truth, John 5. Christ telleth them there, that they that believe in him, that sent him, shall have everlasting Life; Having passed from Death, or escaped Death. Again, Christ undertakes to prove a State there is, that will be swallowed up into Immortality, thus from these words, Your Fathers did eat Bread or Manna in the Wilderness, and are Dead, but whosoever shall be able to eat of the Bread, meaning himself, that cometh down from Heaven, he telleth them without any mincing of it, that they shall not dye, but live for ever. And whereas it may be objected, that it is to be understood of an internal Spiritual Life, belonging to the Immortal part: if so, the Lord needed not to have mentioned the decease of their Fathers; for though they dyed temporally, yet still they exist eternally. But then further, one Scripture was unexpectedly darted into all these, and interpreted, which I never before understood, tending to this sense. John 12.25. He that loveth his Life, shall lose it, and he that hateth his Life in this World, shall keep it unto Life Eternal. Thus it was by the Spirit opened, He that is pleased, and reconciled, and is satisfied, and loveth this his Corporeal low, and degraded Life, in which is the very Seat and Spring of Sin, such shall suffer loss through Death, for the Sin will not be expired, tho’ the Mortal part be. But then again, Christ plainly declareth, that those who are come into a deep sense of the Depravity, as to all Perfection of divine Excellencies, so as deny and abhor, and hate, and freely be made willing to lay it down, they shall keep it, but no longer after the same Earthly and Sinful Property, with all its Mortal Weaknesses: The whole State of this shall hereby be alter’d, as Christ’s Body was sown in Weakness, and Dishonour, but raised and taken up in Strength, in Honour, and Victory: Even so they that can reach this Mystical Death, shall be changed into Immortality of Life. But an Eccho in my Ear did sound from this lower Sphear, that this is strange and unheard of Doctrine, who can it bear? Crying when or to whom shall this Transfiguration come, saying, the highest Degree of all Saints have deceased, without any such change upon their Mortal form. Why is this great thing to be expected now, more than formerly? You are for this referred to that Wisdom, and Counsel, of the Holy Trinity, who ordereth the Times and Seasons, according to the Counsel of their Will, whose manifold Wisdom is to work in their various Dispensations, throughout all Ages, as will be seen, when the Scene of all their Works from the Creation shall be opened, in relation to Man’s Fall, and Restoration. Out of which great Wonders, are yet to be brought forth more conspicuous, than have been since the Creation. The Apostles indeed expected the full Restoration of the Kingdom, when Christ their Lord, after his Ascension did by signal Gifts and Powers give down the Holy Ghost, but the time and season was not then for it. There was something further, by the Mediatorship of the great High-Priest first to be done, in preparing for the Tabernacle of God to come down: in and by which the Mystery of God and Christ acts, through the second infusion of the Holy Ghost, for Transformation of Bodies. As before it wrought upon the Mind and Spirit, so now upon the Illustration of the vile Corporeal Form. Which will make Man capable to be trusted with Dominion and Power, in the joint Heirship of the everlasting Kingdom. All foregoing Ministrations of the Spirit do point hereunto, and do here prepare for it, that we might come to wear this Celestial Garment. The Spirit of Jesus being at hand for to declare, what will be the ready Way hereunto. And for as much, as the Day is shewed to be very near, he hath called, and awakened some from the Dead, to look for this sure Word of Promise, for to be fulfilled, and doth give incouragement hereunto, from the scattering Beams of his own Body of Light, and is giving forth choice Provision, to wit, his own Ethereal Body, as the proper Nutriment, for this Supersensual Life to feed upon. According to that Word, as he did live by the Father, in his divine Corporeity, so we might come to live, and have a co-existency with him, through a perpetuity of Life, conveyed mystically from him: which will become the Matter of this Heavenly Form, as we be able from this deep Well of Life, to feed every Vein-Spring that so we may be nourished with his Blood-Life in every part, till we feel a gradual renewing, through the whole Frame of Mortality. The Lord hereunto hath expressly invited such, who are burthened, and weary of their old Sinful Form: therefore let none at these things stagger or offended be, but hope and wait here patiently for it.


January 5. 1678.

THIS Morning the Holy Spirit was still in a free way of Parly, upon the weighty concern, tending unto this Transmutation. Declaring it to be the full Consummation of a fixed Restoration, that giveth immediate Entrance into Glorification. But then came in this Query to be answered, If it should be possible, for any to attain to this Resurrection-Body, answerable to that, in which our Lord did ascend into Glory, what should any one do with such a Transparent Body, to walk and converse amongst such, as yet retain their Vile Corporeal forms? They could, nor would not be able to bear their Persons. So that without there could be a general Transformation, there could be no consistency, betwixt what is Terrestrial and Celestial: the one is suited for the Earth, the other for Heaven; and only mete to enter into the Eternal Mystery. This was a considerable Objection, which I humbly refer’d to that which answereth on God’s part. Thus it was said, that such among Mortals, as should be counted worthy of this Immortality, and such as should be appointed hereunto, for some peculiar and eminent work to transact in this Principle for the Lord; know this, they shall not be without their Change of Raiment, and shall have ability to put off and on their AEthereal Body, as occasion requires. For thus Christ did after his Resurrection, or else his Disciples would have been terrified at his presence, who so frequently did visit them, and did eat Corporeal Food, as before his Crucifixion, and yet of a surety had, in that 40 Days time, free Egress and Ingress into the Mystery of the Fathers Glory: and when he had put on his Celestial Body, he could then pass among all the Angelical Thrones. But when he had yet business of the Father further to dispatch, he could draw over the veil of Humanity, for consistency with Creatures that are in their Earthly Bodies. So from hence the teaching Unction did prove to me the possibility hereof, that such a Power should be assumed by such Enochs, as should closely walk with God, in order to this Translated State; For it was said he walked with God many Years, (as it may be believed) to appear and disappear in the World, before God took him fully up into the Mystery.

Then again for a further confirmation, our Lord’s Transfiguration was brought before me; he then having to do with Glorified Persons, he could presently put on a Glorified form, and when they went up from him, put it off again, for it was too wonderful for his Disciples to behold; it cast them into a sleep. And whereas it may be objected, this Power is only to be attributed to Christ? Know it, as from the Spirit of Truth, it is far from our Head to ingross this Prerogative Power only to himself. For of all his fullness the Just and Perfect shall partake, as Life for Life, and Glory for Glory: As all that the Father had, Christ made claim to, so verily those that lie in the Life-line with him may not fear or doubt, but what is the Lord Christs, is also theirs. Many more Arguments the Spirit poured in, as the Angels in their appearances in a suitable Garb, when they had any Message to deliver to Mortals. As those that appeared to Abraham and Lot, they appeared in quite another form, than was their own natural Habit, in which they are found before the throne Glory. Transmutation is no such difficulty, where the Power of Omnipotency is infused. Could the Spirit of one in a Terrestrial Body come to be all clear, pure and free, so as no stirring of Sin in it could be found, you should soon see another Vehicle would be it’s figure and form, when occasion were for more immediate access to the Trinity. Moses could never have consisted in his elementary Body 40 Days together to hear, & see & to receive the Law from God’s own Mouth, if his Body had not been sublimated into a Spiritual Glory, which was not altogether withdrawn, when he came down from the Mount, for such a shine was still left, as the People could not bear to behold Him without a Veil. Then also it was given me to understand, that those rich and costly Copes and Vestures, were assigned only for the Priests to Minister in the most Holy place in, and then to put them off again, when they came out from Ministering in the most Holy Tabernacle. All which did Type out this most Heavenly and Glorious dispensation, that accordingly as before, and in way of preparation to that mighty God, and our Lord and Saviour’s appearance, there will be an election of such a Holy Priesthood, that shall be Cloathed with the immaculate white Robe of Purity, that will have entrance, where the great high Priest hath made the way to the true and substantial Tabernacle, where the Glory of the Majesty doth it fill. And as there was a lower Order of Priests under the great chief High Priest, so accordingly a real Consecration by the Holy anointing, will be for a separation from all that is prophane, common, and Earthly, to be of this Priestly Function, annexed to our Lord Jesus in Nazaritical Purity: for the Truth of this Dispensation hath been evidently shewn me.


January 6. 1678.

The Stone of the Kingdom.

IN the Night after my first Sleep, somewhat I saw, like a round Ball, mixed with all manner of Colours very oriental, and it darted down from an invisible Region, to the Earth, where it seemed to sink in. After which it was said to me, that this was the Stone, upon which the Kingdom of Heaven was founded. Then this Word further did Spring: Inviting to be strong, and to hold fast those precious things, which are laid in, for the transparent Temple of the Holy Ghost; in order to that Kingdom, that will be all consisting of God’s Omnipotency, in this Resurrection-Day, when the flying Banner of almighty Power shall it self display.


January 7. 1678.

The Date of Time.

THIS Night I was in much conflict, concerning the time of this Spiritual Kingdom, as to the time, when it might appear, whether or no to any it was near. And it was thus answered by an internal Word, saying, The Kingdom of Heaven so cometh in, as the Evil Spirit is cast out: this kind as it is written goeth not out, but by Fasting and Prayer. So verily this Kingdom to no one will be manifested, but by great Abstinence, from what props up, and does nourish the Earthly and Satanical Kingdom. When you see that fall, as Lightning into its own Abyss, and Lake from whence it came, then ye may conclude the Kingdom of God is at the Door. For which Pray, with all manner of Prayer, and Supplication through the Spirit.


January 10. 1678.


THE Holy Unction dropped in this Word, while I was considering upon this Transformation, saying, the Just Ones, whose Faith may hereunto extend, are to Suck in a pure Breath, that will make a Life to rise and spring, for the formation of such a Body, into which Sin can never come in. And therefore abide steady in your Hopes, and Faith. For all its various Operations in this respect are needful. For Faith is the great Wheel that turneth about all of this kind; therefore take heed of doubting hence forth.


January 11. 1678.

THEN again this Word was ministered to me from that Scripture, all that the Father hath is mine. Therefore the Comforter henceforth is to communicate of the same good things, that do run parallel in that line of Life from the Father unto me. So answerably all of that fullness, infused by degrees unto a high Spirituality, that so Glory may swallow up what is contemptible. For which, hope and be patient, for the Lord will not be unmindful of those, who are daily urgent here for it.


January 12. 1678.

A Caution about Preserving the Fire of the Altar.

WAITING deeply and internally in my Mind about, and upon a Spiritual case, I pleaded with my God, why such cold Floods should happen upon the altar-Fire, to keep the Life-Flame from rising, to such who still would make their Offerings, by Fire. By earnest inquiring into this Spiritual matter; it was evidently shewn me, that there was something of a natural cause, and somewhat from this World, that had its choking care to throw in, and thirdly the watchful and revengeful Eye of the Dragon, who hath always greatly withstood the going forward and accomplishment of the Kingdom of Power and Love: which the Nazarite mind is pursuing after, and the Spirit strongly moving and pressing thereunto, but the Flaming Wheel meeting with these stops, goeth on but heavily. Now direction was sought for in this case from him, who does so naturally own his in this afflicted principle, who are fixed to follow hard after Perfection. To whom this Counsel was given, first that Wise Judicious care should be taken to cherish the natural and animal Spirits, for by reason of Age, there would aptly be a declining of the Heart-Vigour, whence that spring of Heavenly Fire did open, and through obstruction from frail weak Nature, the Operation of this Celestial Flame may be hindered from displaying forth it self. Then if the distractive Cares, and Thoughtfulness about these outward Worldly things comes in, they do and will exceedingly press, and bind this Spirit-Flame, and will dwell upon the very Mouth of the Central Fire-Life. Then the subtil Serpent finds his inroad made, and augments the weight with great fury and rage. Therefore by all this the Holy One hath given to us this caution, that we should be choice of this Fire-spring to keep all out, that would extinguish it. It is as a tender Plant, that requireth continual care to nurse it up, and to feed it with the Word of Life, that does go forth from the instilling Breath of the Holy Unction. This only must drive forth its heat again, and thereby raise up that which lies as Dead and Slain.


January 15. 1678.

The Holy Court.

THE truth of this following Ministration hath been evidently shewn me, and was thus presented to me in the Spiritual Glass. My Spirit was carried, where I did see a Mount, which was not of any Earthly mold, but all compact together of a clear Element, upon which four Pillars did stand, which were of a clear Amber colour, and round about it was drawn a Curtain of Purple, Blew {Blue}, White and Scarlet. Upon which Manifestation, I received this information. That this was the Holy Court, and secret Pavilion of the most High, where the Ark of the living Testimony does lie. Hereinto the Holy Royal Order of the just and perfect Priesthood shall both ascend and descend, and bring out from thence, that which will evidently be a Blessing to the Lord’s own Heritage. And the Spirit did further declare, that till this Ministration come to be set a foot in the World, no true, sacred or perfect Church or Sanctuary, could be found in visibility in this outward fold. And as there was a Holy Seed, that lay in Abraham’s Loyns, out of which the Levitical Priesthood did spring: so was it said that from the like Spirit of a perfect pure Heart, will another Priesthood in Faith arise, and multiply as Stars, in the order of a Celestial Ministry. That shall be all agreeable to the Church of the first Born, that with Jesus are gather’d before-hand into his Triumphant Kingdom. This the Lord Christ did imply when he said, that the Sheep which were yet of this outward Fold, must be through his Mediatorship brought up, where they should go in, and out, and be satiated with those Portions, which are assigned for those who do walk to and fro in the upper fold. The great Shepherd aims to make of twain one Eternal and unchangeable Priesthood. His Agent the Spirit is at work, to separate and call together his own by Name, that so through the distilling dew falling down from the Heavenly Sphear, it should produce the shining golden Fleece upon each one, who of this separated Priestly Flock are call’d forth, the footsteps of their great High-Priest to tread after, and to follow him where-ever he goes.

But methinks, I hear the Voice of the Man of Reason say, this is strange and new Doctrine, who can ever such a thing as this believe, when for so many Ages past, all that have been of the highest Spiritual growth, have departed away from this lower fold by Mortal Death. I confess to Flesh and Blood, it is a hard and uncouth saying, and cannot be digested, because it overturns the Seat of the Beast. His Mark, Name and Nature, no more upon Man thus transformed, shall ever be found. The Dragon may well fight against this Truth, and may raise Storms of Unbelief, for when ever this Transmuting Stone of Wonder does open upon any one it’s Mystery, such a blow will be given to his Kingdom, as shall not only shake it, but make it fall as a Mill-Stone into his own Bottomless Lake. For hereby Victory will be over Death, Hell, and Sin, and the Curse will be removed out of this Principle, and the Kingdom of Purity, and Power, and everlasting Joy brought in.

But then again, another Cry in my Ear did ring from the Believing Ones, who are Ravished to hear such good things as these, as the Spirit of Jesus hath to declare to those who full weary are of the Body of Sin and all it’s Lineaments, and are looking out for that which may fully redeem from this grosser Husk of that which is Vile and Corrupt. Who so in a deep sense of their degraded State with me are; the same Word which did to me speak for refreshing and strengthening Hope, the same to them doth verily belong, as not daring from such to hide the Counsel of the Lord, which was by Manuduction given out thus. That seeing there are some, that aiming are to reach the Life-Mark, they are excited well to consider, that hereby they are not excused from a Death, which must be passed through, in order to this Resurrection of Life, to live and act in an immortal Vehicle. There is a Life to be first laid down, which was taken up in Adam, contrary to the Mind and Will of God, and that is now to be expelled again. Which the Spirit of Christ is come to convince of, and to perswade of the absolute necessity hereunto. And whereas it hath been doubted, whether any can come to know a total decease from the Life, that is rooted in original Sin: If there had not been a possibility hereof, God in Christ would never have assumed a Mortal form, but that thereby he might have an inroad by his Spirit, still into depraved Nature, and thereby to work out and destroy the very Essences of Sin, and forever by the Soul’s Consent and Agreement, bind the strong Earthly Life down, and to condemn it into that dark Abyss, from whence by the Serpent it was call’d forth, and introduced; to the dispoiling of that, which should have continued a Sinless Image, to go forward in higher Degrees of Perfection, had Adam not revolted from this his first Station. But through the infinite Love and Compassion of the Father of Immortal Spirits, that now are fallen into Mortal forms, the Holy Trinity moved with pity; hath revealed and made known the way, by which the ruinous State of fallen Man may be Repaired. Which was shewn me by a Similitude; representing it in a threefold Ground, which my Spirit was carried to view.

The first which I saw, was a place all Rocky, and Stony, and as a rude Chaos, where nothing could grow and prosper, that did put forth in that Ground. But there was a Man that Digged, and Toyled all Day in it. Then again I was brought in my Spirit, into an enclosed Field, where Trees of various kinds were, some Dry, some Barren, that bare no Fruit, and others that were Green and Flourishing, in a hopeful way to bring forth. And here was seen one with a Pruning Hook to trim and dress this Plantation, he was set to keep it in order, and to Cut down the Shrubby Briery matter, that was apt to grow about the hopeful Plants. Then was I called out here, and a Voice said, Come and see Paradise all renewed within the Circle-Line of the Holy Element; and here were Plants of all Colours: and one only Tree did this Ground all over spread, and every Bow richly laden with Fruit. Then was this question asked, Where is the mixed Tree of good and evil? And it was answered, that was Extirpated so as to be found no more. For the second Adam had gone through all Probation, and needed no further Tempting Tree, for all Death was swallowed up in Victory. Here was to be seen Fountain Springs, that circled this Tree round. Nothing of this working or toyling Man did in this place appear. All sprung and grew from virtual Power, that open’d from the Heavenly Sphear.


January 17. 1678.

The Threefold State of Man.

THE Holy Unction from this gave me to understand the Threefold State we are to pass through, before we can come to recover our antient lost Prerogative of Power and Purity, into which we are now to be redeemed. The first Rocky Ruinous Ground which my Spirit was made to see into, is this out-Birth of Nature, that is found in a strange property, void of all that good, which makes Fruitful. Adam when he was turned out of Paradise, into the Chaos of this World, was as a Glass to himself, in, by, and through which, he might see his own inward World. For as the outward, so now was the inward turn’d into a Confused, Barren, and dead Life, the Curse of Sin being found therein. And so from him this Earthly Life has been Generated, as each one comes to be Born into this Principle. Now what is here to be done in this Ruinous and Unpolished State. Here certainly He is not to be left in such a Forlorn and Unpolished State. Therefore the Spirit of God was yet left with Man to help him in this State. For the Inspiration of the Almighty was still there left in Man, to be Light, Knowledge, and Understanding, that so he might be instructed to new modellize what now in such great Disorder does lie, as to his own Internal and External World. As if God should thus speak, O Adam, here now is no other way for thee, nor thy posterity, which thou hast brought into the same premunire with thy self, but to set to Work in the Might of that Spirit, that is left for your aid. Now nothing but Diligence, Care, and Painfulness for to prepare a Ground, for the promised Seed to be sown in: and therefore by hard labour in the Spirit, this must be followed till the stony Rocks of this Principle be removed all out, and the inward Ground leavened, and all new moulded, and all superfluities of Self-Love, Haughtiness, and Earthly-mindedness, and numberless Fruits of Evil, which do all live, and imbody themselves in corporeal Nature. These are the Stones and Rocky Mountains, that are to be pulled down, and dissolved, though Soul and Spirit tug hard at it every Day, in Bloody Agonies, till there be a discharging and clearing of all that which is of a choaking, strangling, and binding Nature, to the springing Seed of the pure Life.

Which in the second Degree will be augmented in such a way of Spiritual Fruitfulness, as was shewn in the Ground, which brought forth various Plants and Trees, so that hereby as in a Glass, we may see a good Issue of the Labourer, that hath been faithful to rectifie and improve, what is found within the Heart of the deep Ground of Nature. The experienced that hath gone through this tough and hard Work, in the Spiritual Tillage, who are come to Sow, and to Reap the Fruits hereof in the second Degree, may give Encouragement, that all their Pains and Cost, in Suffering by Death often, in Watchings, Carefulness, and Weariness will all turn to a good account. Though they, while they be in this Mortal Life, should not be transplanted into the Paradisiacal Sphear: yet forasmuch as they have been preparedly sowing, that which is earthly, and contemptible, and corruptible into Death; expecting continually, that what is thus buried by the Baptism of Death, Sorrow, Weakness, Contempt, and Dishonour, shall be raised in a Body of Clarity, Joy, Renown, and Honour. If not by way of Transmutation, yet by expiration of the Elementary Body, to those who are so near arrived to the third and last Ministration. These shall enjoy the Glory of it, in, and among the Antients, who now are in the invisible Mount-Sion. Therefore let not such think that they have Wrought or Laboured in vain, for whereunto they have attained, and the nearer the Mark they have got, before their Mortal Husk do break away from them, so much more in readiness, is their bright Saphire Body for to be put upon them.

But it may be questioned, what those other sort of dry and sapless Trees are that stood in the same Ground. These were rendered to be such as had run through some work of Regeneration, under the Spirits Ministration, beginning in great Zeal to pluck up, and to throw off every burthensome Stone, that stops the uprising Life. And for some time they were active in keeping and dressing in good order, that which was internally ruinous and desolate. But it was thus said to me, dost thou not see these Fruitless Trees, which are grown to a fair Appearance, as to the Eye, yet Lifeless they are; because negligent they have been in their Springing time, by starving the Root-Life, which should have been their Vigour. Thus it happens to such, who do stand between two Worlds, while Amity and Friendship they would maintain with both, to wit with God and Mammon. But if so divided, what of a Spiritual Husbandry can ever prosper in their Hand? This is a Tillage, that can admit of no Neglect or Sloathfulness. Every day brings forth matter of Business, to employ the Heavenly fixed Mind upon. That Soul which will not work in this his own Vineyard, must not Eat. Noah, after the Flood had destroyed all the Fruits of the Earth, the first thing so soon as he came out of the Ark, was to set upon the Plantation of a Vineyard. Which did typifie out the making provision for the Spirit to drink of the Blood of Christ, the Eternal Vine, which in a grown, well-ordered Vineyard, and refined out of all Pollution, will certainly thereout spring. But then great Care must be to watch it Night and Day, lest the Beasts of Prey, or those subtle Earthly Spirits do it hurt or annoy. Especially while it is but in its young day, before it comes to be throughly rooted and fixed in the third Degree, and Center of the Spirit. Therefore let this be a sufficient caution to those, who make a fair shew in Spiritual Husbandry, but suffer all to lie dead at the Root so that no Plant can come to Perfection: whereby no choice and pure Seed may be saved for Transplantation into its own Native Paradisiacal Soil again. For now here I come to open the great Secret, that was revealed unto me.

Wherein it was given me to understand the Way, how possibly Mortality should sometimes disappear, and be as anatomized as to material Grossness, and changed into a thin, subtle, pure AEthereal Vehicle. This I say, will be done by a Golden Grain, which was cast from the all precious Rock of the Deity into Nature’s deep Ground. But through the relapse, that so immediately transmuted Adam from the Celestial Body, into this Vile and Mortal One, which we now bear; This Divine, immortal Stone of Purity sunk so deep down into its own Eternal Stillness, that there it doth rest till it be searched, and digged deep for. For all the Gross rough Mountainous weight of Sin, and Earthlyness hath lain upon it, so that the awaken’d Soul does hearken to that Spirit, which doth strive to make it sensible hereof, that such a Treasury lieth hid in it: and proffering its mighty help and aid to remove, and throw off all that sin-pressing Weight, and to overturn Ground upon Ground, till it comes to find out the Center, where this Pearl Seed doth lie. Then when this is found, as Christ saith, the Soul selleth and putteth off all other Merchandize: It hath enough, it needs no more for a Foundation-Stock, to improve both for Time and Eternity. Now thus by vertue of all Spiritual Industry, Care, and Tenderness of its growth, it groweth as Gold doth grow with a rough Coat, and scruffe {scruffy} matter about it, so at first it doth grow in a Corruptible form of Humanity. But such is the Nature of it, that it will never leave off working, till it hath cast off all, that cannot pass through Fire, and Air, Rocks and Stones, answerably to the Quality of its own Deified Nature. Thus you are given to know, what is able to bring about this great and wonderful Change upon the dispiseable Image of Man. The Holy Grain through all Changes kept, and preserved, and separated out of all gross Matter is that, which will become the Root of an Immortal Spirit, Soul, and Body, to make all in one Being intire in one incorruptible Figure: All Pure, Clear, Light, Glorious in Spirit, and Glorious in Body. Such a pure perfect Creature will well suit, and become meet to be the Spouse and Bride of the Lamb, to cohabit together in a Paradisiacal Life, far more excelling, than the first, in as much as this second, is the Lord from Heaven, Heavenly; and will bring up the new Creation, of which he is the beginning and first Born into this Principal Royal City of the great God and Father, and King of those, who are begotten again from the Dead, to Reign with Christ their head Prince, in the Holy and Substantial Jerusalem.

But aptly here will be a further Objection made, saying, these are true sayings, which do agree with the Prophetical part of the sacred Scriptures, which are yet to be fulfill’d at the great and general Day, when Christ the Lord shall descend from Heaven with myriads of Angels. Then this great Transmutation of Mortal Bodies shall be: but we do not understand, how it can be before, till Christ shall come to overturn and dissolve the whole visible Elementary State of things, and to take unto him his Kingdom, to reign God Omnipotent over all evermore.


January 18. 1678.

An Answer to an Objection against the Translated State.

AS to this grand Objection, I have received, wherewith from the Lord to make answer hereunto. Which is hard and difficult to utter, it being a new revealed thing, which open’d it self, since I engaged upon this Subject. But whether it will be received or understood by such, who are mighty in the literal Understanding of the Scriptures, I aim not to be careful to answer, or to set upon any Controversie. Only Writing for my own, and the Benefit of them, who may come to be sharers with me, in this more Excellent and Transforming Dispensation. Which the Spirit of Jesus my Lord, hath impressed with Almighty Power, and set firmly home by a marvelous Light of Revelation, to which I am made to bow, and believe according as I have heard and learned of Jesus. Who now being present in Spirit, can best open his own dark and Parabolical sayings. The proper meaning and sense being shut up, till the Spirit was come to open them. I shall now make out, what particular and private Manifestation hath opened in this Matter, to be also agreeable to the Scripture record: as hath been made out. If there be nothing of this great Change to happen, upon some hereunto especially Elected, till the great general Day of Judgment, when as the visible Elements shall pass away, and the World all broken up, then all Flesh will in it expire, and none be preserved to meet Christ, in his distinct and personal Revelation and coming, which in its time will be shewn. But before this the Spirit doth affirm, as a Truth, he will come in his Kingdom to some, and so open their own Heavens, as he will both descend, and ascend in, and from them, till they shall know the great Mystery of Translation, out of the Earthly into the very Heavens, where Paul and John were, since Christ’s Ascension, both were caught up in Spirit, and saw his Glory, and heard the voice of his Mouth. Paul the Apostle did not at that time know himself in a Mortal Form, though after, he came down into it again. He had then such a Divine Sense of immortal Cloathings, as he ever after desired to reach the Resurrection-State, and to have Mortality swallowed up in Life. And whether or no he did reach this Mark in his Day, or the rest of the Apostles, we have no visible Record to resolve us, and so can bring no Precedent, as from them. Which is not at all to stumble us, who now are not to look back, but forward, and to expect this perfect thing, that can change this Corruptible into Incorruptibleness. But the great Question is when, whether before Christ’s visible, and last great Appearance; that is the thing to be resolved. Which according as I have received, so shall I demonstrate it, not only as a private Revelation, but from a Scripture, that admits of such an Interpretation. Which is that of Rev.20.4th Verse. I saw the Souls that were beheaded for the Witness of Jesus, and for the Word of God, which had not worshipped the Beast, neither his Image, or received his Mark upon their Foreheads or Hands. These were they that lived, and reigned with Christ a thousand Years. Now consider here is a State peculiar to some that were passed from or over Death, into Immortality of Life, and they are made Priests to go in, and out of the most Holy, and inward Tabernacle. And Kings to reign over the Earth. As they have been kept under, and reigned over by the Earth. I know this hath been generally interpreted by most, that expect Christ’s Personal coming in a distinct Glorious Humanity, to manifest his Kingdom in this Principle. There is a great Controversie about it, some believing this Reign will be before the Fabrick of this Principle is to be quite dissolved. Others, that it will quite finish the whole Mystery, and fix the everlasting Kingdom, so as time shall be no more. I shall not take upon me to decide any thing of it, more than what is given me from a good Hand to know. I have learned to interfere with no ones Light, but to wait immediately upon the springing Testimony of Jesus. Who did thus open this Vision, which John saw. First who these Persons were, that should reign in, and over the Earth? They were those, that had suffered their Head Life to be taken from them, not by an outward visible Martyrdom, but by cutting off that Head, in which the Serpent had introduced the whole working Motion of the evil of Sin and Earthliness. Such being convinced, that this kind of Spiritual Martyrdom must be undergone, for the living Word, and Testimony sake, that so through this internal Death, they might cease henceforth to bear the Image and Mark of the Beast in themselves, or to pay any homage to it in others. No way to be free, but by falling upon the very Head Life thereof, that so the Soul being herefrom Separated, and being acquitted from the gross evil Effects of a Body of Sin, and stands as a naked and abstracted Spirit, such as these were shewn to me, to be of the first Resurrection, whom Mortal Death could have no Power over. This is that Sinless holy Priesthood, that will preceed before Christ’s visible Appearance. And whereas it is said they should reign with Christ, that is, with his Life of the same Purity, and Power, and Sufficiency to act, and do all great and mighty Wonders, as if he was in his own distinct Person of Glory, manifested upon the Earth. The Key of the Government shall be intrusted, and laid upon the Shoulder of those, who are Dead, and Risen with Christ their Head. These are to put on their Spiritual Bodies. Now it was given me to understand, that there is a threefold coming of Christ, besides his first coming in the Flesh. After which, before he left the World, he engaged, that he would come again in Spirit to his own, that were in it. This has been accomplished, and this was his second coming. Upon which we have lived, and spent upon this stock of Life, ever since his departure. I mean such, who for this worthy Gift, have with great seeking obtained it. The Apostles had this more richly and abundantly, as to the manifold working by Powers and Gifts, than any since. But yet they were still looking for his next coming in Spirit. For by his Spirit he was to make meet, and ready; that the inward Spirit with his Mind, Will and Senses should be all internally transformed: (as the new Testament runs much upon it,) to be found Sinless, Spotless, and Blameless against the Coming of the Lord. And what is to be done now, at this his second, or it may be called his third coming, but to change our Vile Bodies, and to fashion them like unto his own Glorious Body, by that Power which shall open the Element, which the Celestial Body shall evermore consist of. Christ’s third coming will be to this Purpose, to redeem Bodies out from all those evil Events, that Sin brought in, that so every Spirit may come to have its own Native Body, and that the Spirit may no longer draw one way, and the Flesh another. But surely that saying will forever cease, To Will is present, but Power is wanting to perform; For all Power will be given to his Saints, as it was unto our Lord Jesus. As Daniel foresaw the Dominion should be given to the Saints of the most High. Such a Royal, Holy, Peculiar Church shall that be. The first Born from the Dead, fitly qualified to join with the Heavenly Quire in Heavenly Places. These are those, that will be the pure and wise Virgins, that are all ready, as the Bride of the Lamb to meet him at his last general Call and Trumpet-sound to them, which shall be at this his third coming. Who shall not prevent the descending down of those, who are departed in the Faith, and now are in the invisible Mount Sion. They with Christ shall appear again in this Principle in Spirits and Bodies all Celestial. Then the great overturn in this visible World, will be for those new Heavens and Earth to be known, and the old visible Heavens and Elements to pass away, and all Flesh with them to be consumed. For no place for Terrestrial Bodies will be here, when this great Day will come, that will burn as an oven. This is that great general Conflagration, that the Apostle Peter speaks of, wherein the Earth, and all the Works thereof shall be burnt up, and the Judgment will be passed, and pronounced against those, who are found as those were in Noah’s time, whom the Flood took away, but here the fiery Indignation will make the terrible Dissolution in the whole visible Frame of this World. And all those Inhabitants, who were in Love and Friendship with it, as it stood in the Sin and Curse, this will be a dreadful Day to overtake such. For great distress, as our Lord foretelleth, will be, as never was. But upon whom will it come to hurt? only them which are found out of the Ark. For I must let you know from that Spirit, that revealeth things to come, that before the last general Day of Judgment shall come, this Deluge shall come at Christ’s third Coming, and another mighty Noah will be found, who, in and by Faith, shall raise and build an Ark, which no Flames can devour, no more than the Waters could prevail upon the first Ark. Elijah with his Fiery Chariot will also come, before this great and notable Day of Christ’s third Coming, to shew to some the way for to escape out of this Corporeal State, into that other Principle of the one pure eternal Element. From whence the Lord, the mighty God, and Saviour with all his Saints in his time will be revealed. But know there will be in this later Day, when Christ shall appear, such an Ark, that will be all of refined Gold for a Harbour, and as a City, upon which the Name of everlasting Life, Power, and Might will be Written. Whereinto the Wise and Prudent will take Sanctuary, as foreseeing the Destruction that will come upon all Flesh. Therefore those, who as Noah are warned of this surprisal Day; take certain Instructions from the Lord’s Mouth, how to prepare this Celestial Ark, and to bring in thereunto such, who are willing to wait in Truth and Soberness in this Body of the Golden Ark, having put off the Body of the Sins of the Flesh, and as pure naked abstracted Spirits are free from all entanglements of the Earthly Life. These are here ready to be received and to be cloathed upon with this House, that can stand in the midst of all Burnings. Such a Spouse and Bride will verily be ever waiting, for the Bridegroom, in a perfect Virgin-Life, separated, and redeemed from amongst Men, as minding no other thing, but to be trimming their Lamps, and making themselves all ready in pure and white Robes, wherein no spot of Pollution may be found. For verily the Heavens shall not any longer contain the Lord Christ, then the Temple-Body and Ark is rebuilt for his Presence, and till his Saints do look out for his Appearance. For this was the Posture, which the Saints of old did labour to put themselves into, upon the Hopes of this his Personal coming, to take to him the whole Dominion, and to deliver up the Kingdom to his Father, all in Transparent Purity. Every Subject in it attired, and put into a suitable habit for immediate entrance, into the inward and most Holy Jerusalem, where God will fill all in all. But you will say, all this is granted, that when Christ comes to his last Judgment, our vile Bodies will be changed, and then he will make us meet to see his Fathers Face, when the Kingdom shall then be perfectly restored: But you affirm, that there will be a Translation at Christ’s third coming, before his fourth and last coming to Judgment. Yea, and I shall aver it, knowing the true and infallible Testator that witnesseth it. For these first born Spirits will have Power in them, by his inward risen Body, to figure out according to pleasure a visible One agreeable to the Lord’s own Body, or else they could not lift up their Heads with that Joy, when he shall come to transmute this Principle. Know it therefore for a certainty the Lord will have a pure, and spotless Church upon the Earth, that before the general Day of Judgment shall have the Keys of the Power, yea of the Transmuting Power too, as all AEthereal to ascend and descend. And they will be in such Purity and Separation from all of this corrupt element, that they will frequently be admitted to the Holy Trinity, to know the Celestial affairs belonging to their own Kingdom. And hereof declare, that many thereat may be converted, and may be received into the Golden Ark, there still to wait in a devoted Life from the World. For whoever they be, that shall not fully agree to this, and totally depart from the whole Earthly Life, and live in an absolute Virgin-State, knowing henceforth nothing more, according to that first Man, that degenerated from his Creator, I do know this, that without such a full leave be taken, of this Worldly Conversation, there will be no part for them in this Matter. For this Life of the Resurrection doth never spring, till the Earthly pass away. Oh these are hard sayings indeed, because of the Destruction of Flesh, the losing of Life; that we might not taste at all of Death. Where in this Age shall we find five Wise Virgins? that have parted with all things, that are drossy and impedimental for God, and do go on making ready the pure Body-Ark, that in it they may be able to move upon the fiery Element: who have hereunto disposed, and given up themselves for to be in Election for this high Holy, Christ-dignified State. But it may be objected, that if we should put our selves to this loss in Friends, Honours, Riches, and all that is pleasant and lawful, and come to live a Life, that is all Dead to this World, yet we are not sure that it may be our Lot, to be thus cloathed upon with our Immortal Vehicle, to hold us out to the coming of our Lord. As to this receive, what the Spirit answered my own Hearts objection herein.

Whether or no (said the Spirit) ye may hereunto reach, yet the nearer ye do come unto it, though your Mortal Body should break before the attainment hereunto, you will thereby lose nothing, for you will the sooner be cloathed with them according to that Degree, as hath been wrought here. And then again we shall have this Advantage by this Holy and Unrebukable Life, we shall have the most free and familiar Society with the sacred Trinity, that loveth to frequent those, who for the Love of God, have wholly rent themselves, from this World. Giving sufficient proof, that they neither Love, nor regard any thing, but what may dispose, and qualifie them for high Love-Communion with God their Creator. Which I can so far assure, according to what I have received, through inward Transformation of Mind and Heart, may in great tranquility be now enjoyed.

The Kingdom of God opens and springs first from the Golden Ark refined within, where Christ the true Noah will gather in all to himself, for where the true Body is, both for Food and Shelter, thereunto the sprightful Eagles will surely resort. It will be worth our while here for to wait in all pure Sequestration of Mind, though we know not for certainty, who now of us may come unto this high Celestiality, as to be found in the risen Body of immortality. But let it suffice, that this is the Hope of our High-calling, and we have Liberty to draw out the bow of Faith, and Shoot at all adventure, if by any means we may come to reach this Mark. Faith is that great and mighty Energy, which may bring to effect for us this Translation: therefore the Spirit of it, we are incited to cherish, and keep up with all Care and Tenderness, considering that by Faith, Enoch was Translated, so as he saw not Death. It hath various Purifying Properties, from whence will come mighty Powerful actings also, for the accomplishing of the last days Wonders.

Thus I have been unexpectedly carried out upon this subject, wherein I have obeyed the Vision, upon which all this Mysterious and deep matter did open. The Hand of Love and Power which did guide me to Record it, in Writing, may have some service for it in its time; yea for some, who have right to the precious thing made mention of, so as happily they may find this weighty Transmuting Stone. The worth thereof may be so great and valuable in their Eye, as with us, they may not think much to suffer and endure loss of Life, I mean that Life, which doth consist in the Friendship, Honour, Pleasures, Riches of this evil World: and to wind out and estrange themselves from all of this perishing and polluted State, must first be resolved upon by such, who shall willingly join with us in Faith, to attain this pure Body-Ark now before the Flood comes. Therefore let us be preparing with all speed, for to testifie we are none of those sloathful Ones, that do here take ease upon a Bed of Thorns, and as being all over beset with a dark and cloudy Night of the Fall; Concluding the Lord may yet delay his Coming, because that all things ever since his departure have continued at a stay, and we have heard little from him, since John’s Revelation, that might stir and awaken us up. Upon which those, who are in Love and Reconciliation to this evil and this embondaged State, do very aptly make these kinds of Evil Conclusions. But let us remember that Word of our dear Lord , who saith, Behold I come as a Thief in the Night. Therefore he hath warned us again and again, we should never be found off our Watch. For after his first coming, he hath set Three Watches before us, wherein we might expect him. The one is past, two more are yet to come. His coming in Spirit hath, and is still witnessed. But now this his third coming is that which is more excellent, and will produce more wonderful Effects, as preceeding the great and last Day, when the Universal Judgment shall be passed upon both Quick and Dead: according as it is Written, he hath appointed a Day, in which he will judge the World in Righteousness. This we are not to look for, till the first Resurrection is past, upon whom the second Death can have no Power. Now what more forcible Argument can I use to perswade my self and others to this pure abstracted and World-denying Life, but what the Lord himself has done, for encouragement to this Watchful state, having pronounced Blessedness to it, as it is Written, Luke 12. Blessed are those, who when the Lord comes shall be found watching, that when he knocketh, they may open immediately without any demur, having their Loyns girded about and their Lamps burning. Which implies all in a Readiness, entire, wanting nothing. They need not a serious Call, being found in a waiting Posture, and swift to hear the Bridegroom’s Voice. Our Lord professeth, that he will be so affected with them, who shall in such Love and long Patience approve themselves diligent Watchers, that so by his expression he knows not, what enough to do for them. But crieth verily your Lord shall gird himself, and make you to sit down at meat, and come and serve you and also make you Stewards of great things. Oh who would not now think it worth losing and leaving all, and waiting together in a Pure Life of Introversion, out of the Noise and Multiplicity of the Earthly Rudiments, of a World that lieth wholly in Pollution and Deceit. Oh, Come, come, let us from hence draw away and be found in those Goodly tents of Jacob, waiting till all the Shadows of this long Night of our Lords absence shall break away. Who knows how suddenly to such, who are found in a Bridal Habit all pure and spotless, he may appear. Let us make it our only Business and Care, to prepare for this his Coming, then assuredly he will not from us long tarry. Oh Lord Jesus, even so come quickly to us, as the Alpha and Amen.


January 22. 1678.

Renovation of Youth.

IN the fore part of the Night, all internal Powers of my Mind were introverted, and acted forth in Prayer, for our Spirits going forward in the Vineyard work, and to be inabled to indure the Heat of the Day in it. And I was considering, how our Days were run, and our Bodies like Flowers were fading and declining, having daily the foregoing strokes of Mortal Death upon them. Therefore I had a deep sense and concern for my self, and Aged Friend, herein to take all advantage of the present time, lest we should be prevented of what we so much have desired to reach unto. Being vehement in Prayer for it, I had this Word, If ye do believe for it, with a perfect Heart, and wait and not turn aside, though your Bones as a Potsherd be dried up, yet Marrow and Strength shall be renewed in another degree of Youth, than what hath been comprehended. Therefore keep your selves only from the Sickness of Sin, and you need fear nothing else.


January 28. 1678.

The Womb of the Morning, and the Dew of Youth.

THIS Word was opened to me. From the Womb of the Morning, thou hast the Dew of thy Youth. The Morning signifieth the Day breaking away from the Night, and so becomes a clear distinct Light without Clouds, the everlasting Sun rising for to disperse all. Now this was shewn me to be that Light, which breaks through the Darkness of our Minds, and becomes as an enclosed Womb, where the pure Life is conceived. For the Dew of this Morning-break makes it spring, as a tender Herb in fresh and youthful Power. And upon some occasion of fear, and concern, that was upon me for the Doctor, as to this visible Body declining through Age, and a spending pernitious Cough, that I saw inwardly might impair his Strength, and thereby stop the Spring of Celestial Fire. All which evil Consequences I feared might him devour. This was made applicable to him, that from this eternal Morning-Womb his Youth might spring and renew again, through the distilling Dew, falling from the Celestial Element. Though his outward Life did seem to be breaking away, yet through earnest Faith and Prayer, this healing and recovering Dew may be brought down for his repair, and overthrow the malignity of the Stars. Therefore strive together in Prayer, till ye do stir up both Fire and Air, that ye may have Dominion over all Conspiracies in divine Power.


February 1.

An Alarm of the Spirit to the Friends of the Bridegroom.

THIS voice cried in my ears this first of February, Awake, awake, be putting on of your Body of Strength, sleep not in security as others do, for distress in all Nations is coming on. Need here will be for some, to be made meet to go, and pour out Salvation-Oyl, that so a Remnant may be preserved, as anointed Priests to carry the Golden Ark, into the most Holy Tabernacle, that is within the Veil. Oh this Alarm of the Spirit, calleth the Friends of the Bridegroom to awaken Watchfulness, lest we should be included in the common calamity, on such a black and gloomy Day, as is assuredly coming upon the whole Terrestrial frame of things. Therefore this Trumpet-Voice in my Ears hath sounded for to stir up, and to be looking after that munition Rock of Strength, wherein at all such perilous times, we may know our hiding as a House which none of these outward Storms can shake, nor the noise of a Warriour make afraid. Verily it was opened unto me, that there was such a Body of Might and Strength coming down for help to shield off all, that is of Man’s insolency and fury. And further it was noted to me, that in this last troublesome time, that Fire-Ball will kindle throughout all Nations, whereby they shall consume and devour one another. But there will be given again the immaculate Body to some, for a distinguishing and sealing Mark, over which the destroying Angels of Judgment will have Power no more, than the Lions had over Daniel, though in the very Den with them. These are of the ransomed Ones, that shall walk to and fro in the midst of Slaughter, and not be hurt, but preserved as Lot was in the midst of a burning Sodom for a righteous Seed, that shall replenish the Earth again, after Judgment hath done its work.

But this may be objected: but what assurance shall we have for this? Seeing that in all these later Ages the Righteous hath been swept away with the Wicked in a general Calamity. How is it that now more Security may be expected? As to this I shall answer in plainness, according to that Revelation, that was given upon this Trumpets sounding in me. Why now more to be expected, than formerly? Because the Mystery of Faith does now begin to open, and work in a far more excellent and higher Degree in such, who are decreed in the Lamb’s Book of Life, for to be Saviours upon Mount-Sion. In whom the Spirit of Elijah and Elisha will arise for miraculous Defence and Deliverance, though visible Armies shall every way cast a trench, and round beset them. Yet these upon whom the Life-Mark is sealed, shall escape through all, and make their way through all Weapons of War. For their Armour will be of the Celestial Mettle: therefore all, who are only found in Sinful Mortal forms, will be too weak and fruitless to push against them. This will you say is an extraordinary visible Salvation indeed, how shall we come to know our selves to be numbered hereunto? Truly so far as is given me to know, I shall not shun to declare. I well know, this will be appropriated to a few Names, who raised up shall be, as the eight Principal Shepherds who are Prophesied of, to be Shelters, so appointed by that one great Shepherd. Who doth take care of his humble, and meek Lambs, who are scattered upon the Mountains of Prey: and will choose some highly graduated and illuminated Ones to personate his Power, and Presence here upon the Earth, for the succour and help of those, who are yet of a lower Stature and Growth in the true Vine of Life. That they may be preserved to be sown for a choice Royal Seed for the new Creation, that will suddenly be manifested after this hot brunt of Tribulation.

Upon which account, it will be worth living out the Storm, that will come in general upon all Nations. Now the same Counsel, which was inspired into me, I freely impart to my fellow Branches of the same Life-Tree. First that we haste and come out, and be separated in Spirit, Mind, and Body, and have no more to do with that Worldly Conversation, that deflowers our Nazarite Life, and to avoid by a pure and resolved Sequestration, from what the Spirit of this Principle judgeth lawful and necessary for making Provision for the outward. The pretence of which hath stifled the Birth-Life of the Spirit in Millions of Souls, by fettering and entangling themselves in the Multiplicity of Earthly Affairs: No such whose minds stand divided betwixt two Principles, can expect to be enrolled among that Number, for whom this visible Salvation is prepared. The true Heirs of the Kingdom, mind nothing to load themselves withal, further than what is required for absolute necessity: Till they shall have little further occasion, either for mortal Food or Cloathing. whereto they are following hard to obtain, through the Resurrection from the Dead. A State that is yet to be revealed. Then again it was by the Holy One further cautioned, that we should not only come out of the Immersements with these gross Pollutions, from the Spirit of the World. But here is a Call out of the mode of a fine spun dress, in matters tending to a Religious form of Worship, where in great degree, have been committed, Spiritual Idolatry, against the true Tabernacle Witness; mixing in the Holy place, which hath long been covered over with a Purple Veil: and though it is given to some to see through it, and understand that Babylon hath there set her foot. Yet at present all those formal gatherings, bear away the renown of Christ’s Discipline, which Veil assuredly er’e long will be rent away. Therefore from it, all who have crept under it for shelter, draw off and seek out for that perfect Temple Body, that will be raised up about you, where the Holy Ghost shall Officiate all for you Powerfully. Where no jealousie of mixture can be in any of your offerings. Much more I could further declare on this subject, but this may suffice for to caution the Spiritually wise, who may learn herefrom, what may from the Spirits Alarm instruct us unto. That so we may be fitly qualified in all these respects, for such an Eminent Preservation from the overflowing Scourge. Let time no longer slip away, but set upon Noah’s Work day by day, and thereby convince the World, that we do its destruction foresee. And therefore we are taking our leave before hand, that so we may be taken into a more stable Kingdom. To which dear Jesus, do thou bring us.


February 5. 1678.

A Commemoration of my Widdowhood.

THIS Day being the seventh Year of my Widdowhood, since the decease of my Husband; Which day I commemorate by keeping it Holy to God, my everlasting Husband, from whom no Death can me separate. Considering in my mind I was, that now the seventh Year was expired, wherein I had waded through many deep Tryals, and passing through many Vicissitudes in this time, wherein great proof I have still had of the never fading Love of my God, as to outward distress and difficulties: Provision still hath been made for me. As disappointments happen for my outward support; my great fear and concern being, lest the necessity for my Corporeal Life, should distress and prevent the rising of my Spiritual Life, which hath been my only care to keep up. For which my God hath now sent in a suitable shelter, that so we might proceed forward in what is yet behind, that the whole Scene relating to the utmost of a redeemed State, may be known by us, whose Spirits are in true Conjunction here for. After this consultation the Spirit ministered this Word to me, Thou shalt no more be termed desolate or forsaken, for thy Widdowhood shall be turned into a Virgin Solacement, because the Lord thy Maker hath pleasure in thee. For as much as thou hast cleaved with all thy heart unto him, in this seven Years Probation-Day. Oh my Lord shall I now come to inherit such Grace and mighty Love, and espousal Joy, in the Life of Spiritual Virginity. Oh Jesus so let it be.


February 6. 1678.

The Body of Sin Sacrificed.

PERCEIVING now the whole Ministration of the Spirit terminated in the putting an end to Sin; This word of Instruction was further given, saying, For this cause ye need to sanctifie your selves, through the offering of the Body, Wherein the Motions of Sin do stir, and in you make War. For till that be taken out of the way, ye cannot expect to bring the first Born of a Virgin-Body, for a Peace-offering to your Lord and King. Hence cease to corrupt your selves with dead things, which does aim to kill your Superiour Life, which is your Living Sacrifice, that you can only bring to God.


February 7. 1678.

Weights and Measures.

THIS Word as soon as I awaked in the Morning spoke in me: Diverse Weights and a false Balance is an Abomination unto the Lord. Which word opened it self thus unto me, that we were to consider herefrom, by what Weight we had weighed our selves, and also the Rule we had measured our selves by. If not by the Golden Weight or Shekel of the Sanctuary, we should be found too light. For that was the Coin that would only pass current in that Heavenly Country for exchange. For while we measure our selves, by any thing short of that full Golden weight, it would be excepted against by that just One, who holds the Balance of Perfection in his Hand.

Therefore upon trial, we must daily see, what Golden Grains must be further added, that so there may be an all equal proportion to the Golden Shekel, that is put in the Scale, to prove the weight of our Spirits by. Which being found according to the Divine Rule, then the Inscription of the mighty Caesar will be impressed upon us, by which Tribute shall be paid from all Nations, as not only bearing the Title, but the Power and Presence of our Lord, and great King Jesus. This was the interpretation, the Spirit gave from that Word unto me, with a charge, that we should have serious regard unto the teaching hereof.


February 8. 1678.

The Motion of the Earth.

IN the Night my Spirit had a representation of the frame of the whole Earth, in the compass of a Globe. Which moved, as sometimes I have observed the Clouds working in the Air, before a shower of Rain cometh. So did the Earth work and move in a restless motion. And those Inhabitants that were found upon it, stood shaking and tottering, and could find no standing thereupon, so that there was great perplexity upon all. And my Spirit cryed, Ah Lord, what shall these do? And it was answered there is a Rock which from all Ages hath stood Unmoveable; the Name thereof is Jehovah; there only sure footing is. You who do know it, will thereto fly, and draw others after you.


February 9. 1678.

A Transport.

IN the Morning after I was awaked from Sleep, upon a sudden I was insensible of any sensibility as relating to a corporeal Being, and found my self as without the clog of an Earthly Body, being very sprightly and airy in a silent place, where some were beside my self, but I did not know them by their Figures, except one, who went out, and came in again: and there was no speaking one to another, but all did set in great silence, and I myself with my Eye fixed forward. And I did suddenly see at a pritty {pretty} distance, where I was, a rich splenderous thing come down all engraven, with Colours, the Ground thereof being all of Gold. It was in the form of a large Ship with Wings, I cannot say, whether more than four, which spread themselves out, being like varnished Gold, it came down with the greatest swiftness as is imaginable. Upon which amazing sight, I asked some by me, do you not see this wonderful sight? And they said no. But I saw my self, or something like my self, leaping and dancing and greatly rejoycing to meet it. But when I came up to it, then it did as suddenly go up again, withdrawing out of all sight, unto the high Orb from whence it came. After which I found my self in my Body of Sense, as knowing I had been ranging in my Spirit from it for a while, that I might behold this great thing.


February 10. 1678.
The Interpretation of this Vision.

THEN came the opening Word unto me, to reveal this Vision, and giving me to understand the Signification of this presentation, denominated it to be the glorious Ark, which the Heavens hath contained, in which the everlasting Gospel-Testimony hath been sealed up. Which should as surely descend, as I did see it in Vision. For it was the Glory, that should gather in all of the new Creation, with whom the new Covenant should be established, wherein each one shall come to know God in, and from this living Testimony, that will open in the Body of the Divine Presence, where God will be known. While this into the Heavens hath been taken, the Glory and Power of the Deity hath departed from us. Although the Spirit hath been for our Comforter, and Teacher: and as the Dove brought out from the Ark an Olive Branch of Peace, so the Spirit hath often brought forth good tidings, of our Warfares accomplishing, and the Ark of his Presence returning, which hath kept us up in good Hope, that at its next Appearance, not only a Spirit, but a Body all communicative will be given. It is such a Body into which no Sin can thrust its self: this only can declare the full and perfect Redemption.

For this observe that a Spirit without a Body cannot act but in such a Body, as what is after its own kind, I mean flowingly without stop, and all powerfully without resistance. Therefore the Spirit of our Lord Jesus hath yet a difficult and hard work to effect, because he hath to do with a heavy gross, sluggish Body, into which the evil One can yet send in deadly fumes, and dark rays, making War and Strife, having all aid from this Terrestrial World to bring in, what would wound and depress the Spirit of the Mind; that all single to God would be, if it had but an agreeable Body, answerable to what its rising Light is, by vertue of its right Eye-Salve, that hath been applied by the Holy teaching Unction. By which it is convinced of a necessity, for having arrived to this degree of Wisdom and Understanding, as now to know, that not withstanding this whole visible corporeal Body, wherein the Sin hath stirred, yet the Spirit is naked: for nothing of this is of its own cloathing. Therefore it is, that Christ warns to get on the white Raiment, lest he would come and find them naked, and unready to enter with him to the Wedding-Supper. Now of this very rarely any hath understood or been perswaded to look into, and to search out the Mystery of it. Therefore we need not marvel, that the living Body of the Ark hath to none yet descended, for the powerful Might of the Spiritual Presence to act forth it self in, and by. And truly it is but yet young days since it hath been given unto us for to Believe and Hope, that the same Spirit, which raised our Lord Jesus his dead Body, shall also give a quickening Life to ours: whereby all those impediments of Dulness, Deadness, and Ponderosity by reason of Trespasses and Sins shall be done away. But you will say, by what means can it be possibly so perfect as to have no more Conscience of Sin? Why for this, take to that, and joyn with that Spirit, that is not only come to convince of Sin, but is come also (with the help and consent of our own Spirits) to destroy and utterly take away, by offering up the Body of the Sins of the Flesh, once for all and ever, that so, we might not still continue offering, in such a divided weak way, ministering still the same Lame and imperfect Sacrifices, that can never take away Sin, but still there is matter of remembrance and complaints made. For indeed it is not possible, that Iniquity should be Purged till this offering by the atoning Blood be made in us through the eternal Spirit. Which doth prepare Room for the most Holy Tabernacle cloathing to be put upon us, in which the daily Sacrifices for Transgression shall cease, and the perfect Ministry into the Temple-Body of the Holy Ghost brought in. Then new offerings of another kind without spot or blemish, we shall bring to our God. And as separated Ones, and as anointed Priests, we shall bear the Ark of the Presence of the most Holy, and thereby be secured from all Evils. For it is the very Body of God, wherein he will appear in Omnipotency as of old, whom the typical Ark did present in Moses and Joshua’s days. How did that present the mighty Wonder working-God of the whole Earth and Heavens? what was able to stand before it? When it did move and rise, was it not a terrour to the Lord’s Enemies, but a shelter and a defence of Glory to his chosen Heritage? If the typical Body of the most Holy being, was such a blessing in the Earth in its day, what will the real Body it self come for to be in a sacred Transparency, brought forth into a Manifestation? It need not to be doubted, but Mighty and Marvelous things will be wrought in this very Earth, by such whose lot it shall be to take in this real Heavenly Ark. David might well rejoice, when the Figure of this Ark was brought into the City of David, for God still made himself known in a signal way of Blessing. So it is to be understood, that God will have constituted such a Representative for himself on the Earth, for a most Holy Spiritual Body, whereat enquiry may be made, for the living Testimony is God himself there. This is the Glory Isaiah Prophesied of, even in that very time, when thick and gross Darkness was as a covering spread upon the people: but upon some chosen out, the Lord, in the Ark of his Strength, and Brightness of his Rising will be seen, for the bringing in his Sons and Daughters from afar, that so under the Covert and Wings of the everlasting Ark, they may be nursed and brought up, for to inhabit with the high and holy One, in the City that is all Salvation. Well may it be worth spending our Time, and separating our Minds, and dividing our whole Hearts from what is no better, than a poor Ark of Reeds and Bullrushes, in which hath been our present Harbour, that is so slender a shelter, that every weight crusheth it, and the Earthly Northern Winds blowing do suddenly blast upon it. Therefore let us, according as I did see a few in the Vision, be found in a Holy serious Posture, waiting for this our Body-Ark of invincible Might and Strength. Who knows but it may open and become the Blessing of our Day, while we are in a fixed Spirit looking out for it, owning and professing our selves to be as a Spirit without a Body, naked and powerless; And are not able to work the Mighty Deeds, that are proper to them, whose Spirits are in such high and near Alliance to God: and should shew it forth somewhat in a more eminent manner, as appearing in another fashion, and carrying a greater Presence of Power, Wisdom, and Glory. Plainly hereby declaring, we are of those, who do expect the Adoption, to wit, the Ark of this divine powerful Body, in which we may perfect Holiness and Redemption, according to the Will of our Lord Jesus.


February 11. 1678.

THIS Word was brought to me, upon the Meditation of the Divine Body. Would you be found in the Nazarite beauty, all fair and clear, without the Dark and Cloudy Body of Sin. Then for this, roll your selves in the Fountain Blood, that is open. That is it only, that can give the pure White Lustre, that will commend ye to the open Face of God, who are here so sollicitious for it.


February 12. 1678.

BE choice and tender to your deep springing Well, that is within your own Ground, if either Stones or Earth do fall thereinto, you will know its springs will fail, and then your Spirits will be in drouth. Therefore watch to keep all clods of Earth out, that would stop your Bubbling Well of Life. Which the Philistine Spirits are in strife for, but Isaac’s Spirit will not give way to them, till he come to Rehoboth the Land of fruitfulness.


February 14. 1678.

Winter Fruit.

IN the Night I had this Vision, I saw my Self enclosed in a place with Walls, and upon them there was Trees that had spread themselves, and were tacked to the Wall, as a Vine is. And there was such large pleasant Fruit upon it, that I did much admire, because of the present Winter-Season. But they were so Luscious, that I did much desire to taste of them, for it was of such a kind, as I had not formerly seen, nor known. Now there was a Man set to keep this Place and Fruit, and he was unknown to me, so that I could not tell how to entrust my self in him, but walked up and down by the Wall, but could not ask for any. For I did believe they were of great value; and were preserved by a great Art, as I understood by him, ever since the Summers growth, and reserved fresh, and fresh to be plucked for them to whom they did belong. But the Keeper seeing me so eye the Fruit, he told me these Fruits were of a strange and wonderful Nature, and were beyond what I could imagine them to be. So he took two Fledged Birds, that were Nested in the Tree, and cut them in the midst, and gave one of them to me, and when I had it, being hot and Bloody, as I had it in my Hand, it changed it self into such a fair Luscious Fruit, as I did see upon the Tree, and I did eat thereof, and it was very pleasant. The other Bird, he told me was reserved for another. But before I did see who it was, I came out of the Vision. [The interpretation of this Vision was given by the Spirit, nine Days after; being very considerable, which see in its Place, February 23.] 


February 15. 1678.

The Mixt, or Twofold State.

BEING upon a deep examination of the Twofold State, in which I found my Spirit, a Passenger far more agreeable to the Heavenly, than to the Earthly, which is now tiresome and burthensome in all its necessary consequences, relating to Corporeity. But how to avoid and get off herefrom was my great concern. The rational Mind and Senses being suited in all things, for this mean Degree of Life, having to sustain a Body Elementary, for which is required such exercises of the Mind therein, that else would rise more sublimely, than to be careful for a gross corruptible Being, as knowing it must be put off or changed, before the Soul can live with God joyfully or without Interruption. Now what to do, but like Paul I cried out for riddence from a Sin Mortal Life, as the only present redress, in hope Christ our Life, would yet have Victory over that in us, which hath been such a bar to all our Fruitions, and Enjoyments with God. But while I was in these complaints, this Word came, saying, Those who find themselves grieved and molested by a Terrestrial Life, as made Subject unwillingly hereunto, shall not be chargeable with any of those evil consequences, that the corporeal State hath produced. But if they still resist, and give no countenance, to any thing which doth spring from that Root, then in time your Spirits through contaction with the divine Body, shall out-wear all of the corruptible property, and so be altogether found in the free powerful Nature of Jesus, for Victory and Dominion over all of this evil World.


February 16. 1678.

The Three Unclean Creatures.  A Dream.

I Saw in the Night-Vision a deep Hole in the Earth, as I was walking with a Friend in an open place, which I drew near unto, and there did come out a strange kind of Creature, which I could not know what to liken it to. It had a Head like a Frog with Wings and a long Tail, and it did fly past me to the Person that was with me; but it was driven back, and it went into its Hole, that seemed to be bottomless. Then came out another kind, like to what a Cockatrice is described to be, at which I was put into some disturbance, and withdrew from the place to my Friend, and it followed a little way, but was driven back with a strong Gale to its own place. Then did rise out another creeping Creature, that was speckled, and with its Mouth open, from whence went forth a dark Smoke. These three sorts were all obvious to my Sight: And there was this advice given me, saying, Watch these into their Den, as they do return, and then by Faith, and earnest Prayer bind them down. For they have been in confederacy, to take away the Life of the Lord’s own Turtle Mourning-Mate, that hath been in Tribulation. It was also Counselled me, we now henceforth do take care to stand upon our Guard in the Life of the pure Spirit, and in the Fortitude and Strength of Faith, and then we should be able to bind down all of this kind.


February 17. 1678.
The Interpretation of the Dream.

THIS Morning as I was considering of the former strange Creatures rising out of the Pit, which in the Magia was shewn me, and hereby was further given me to know, that these were most pernitious Spirits, raised up by some awakening Calls, from ireful revengeful Spirits, whether in Flesh or out, that might make appeals to divine Justice, all which are ready to kill, and destroy, to bind and afflict. But the Lord this day, hath shewn me, that he did send his Angels to stop all these in their way; so as they could have no Power to touch the Life, which they did combine against. And it was said to me, the last Beast that came with an open Mouth with a dark fume was in particular in great Envy and Rage, against the Life-Ministration opened in me, and would endeavour to cast forth his dark Venom, to cloud the Glory of it, and doth hereunto daily watch. Upon which I was cautioned by the Spirit, that we were evermore to keep, within the Circle-Light, where the Oyl of the Unction will be still dropping, against which no Poyson of this kind shall be hurtful. Then also this Word of direction was given for my Friend, that the Love that hath restrained these Powers of Darkness, though through a Veil of blackness and temptation, yet the sense of the Bridegroom’s espousal Love might evermore have a mighty Force, and Constraint to live up to every dedicated vow. For they now stand recorded in God’s Roll, and it will be our Joy for to perform them. So that the great Apollyon may have no Power to circumvent, or by any Instrument to come into our inward Tent. Where let us take all Advice and Counsel only with the Spirit, then we shall still foresee all of Evil.


February 18. 1678.

An Appointed Time for every thing.

AS soon as I awaked, or rather was awakened by this Word, which thus spake. There is a set Time and Season for every thing, therefore watch to it, and observe, when ever the hovering Dove does flutter his Wing, so as you may hear the sound thereof: then be in deep stillness, and stir not up the least Essence that belongeth to sensibility, then ye may know, what is working within the Globe of the unknown World. This following Scripture hereupon was brought, alluding hereto, Mat. 17.27 Therefore as the Fish that came up with the piece of Silver in his Mouth, so dive ye into the Deep of the still Ocean, without which you will not find the precious Jewel. For ye must sink down as one lost in this Sea of all rich Treasury for a time, but when the Prize is taken, then come into Manifestation, and swim upon the broad Waters, with the pure Gospel-Testimony to give forth out of your Mouths, as a sealing and feeling Ministry. These are the great things that are to be looked after, in derision to all of this Worldly Honour and false Decieveable Dignities, whereof all will be ashamed in the Rising Day of this Glory.


February 19. 1678.

Remove Evil Counsellers.

THIS Word much followed me, as I was considering the matter of Thoughts, that saying in the Proverbs, Remove evil Counsellers, and the Throne of the King will be established. I much marvelled, what the Spirit meant by following me with this Word, the Scope of it tending to an exteriour Monarchy. But the holy One did take it up, and apply it very fitly to those Multiplicity of Thoughts, which I was in my self passing Judgment upon, being made to discern from the light of Wisdom, that by Counsel of Thoughts, the Government of the inward Kingdom of the Mind was swayed. For it was opened unto me, that according to the Nature of them, whether Spiritual and Weighty, or Earthly, Drossy, and Light, so accordingly Ideas were opened in the Understanding, and the Will framed to a Consent thereunto, whether evil or good. Now the King, who was said to Figure out the Superiour Spirit of the Mind doth act altogether as his Counsel is. Every Thought presents a Person, that are Magical Essences, subtle Spirits. Few have understood the Mystery of Imaginations, in suffering and giving way for them in their mixed Property, to be continually at the Kings Counsel-Table making Laws, and determining Matters, concerning the Kingdom within. Now I was called to examine and try every Spirit of this kind, before they were admitted, for the carrying on of so great a Government in the Will and Mind. For whatever is resolved upon interiourly is executed accordingly, as opportunity presents. Therefore herein lieth the most weighty Matter, beyond all that happily hath been considered of. Now for the further Understanding herein, we are to observe from whence Thoughts do proceed, and the Matter which produceth them. First of the Nature, and kind of them: as sinful and vain. Then again as they are Pure, Spiritual, and Good. Then another sort of Imagination there is which springeth from the Spirit of this World, which may be permitted as relating absolutely to what is temporary, for the feeding, and supplying the outward Body. Some Thoughts may be allowed for this, with caution and restriction, during the present requiring of a Mortal Form. And yet the inward Mind kept undefiled, though permitted to contrive for the outward Preservation.

But now let us first consider of those Thoughts which are evil, and only evil continually; that proceed from the Dark World, and from the Nature of the Dragon. Which made God repent him, that ever he had made Man to be on the Earth, and these are Fierce, Fiery, Bitter, Wrathful, Malicious, Envious, Killing and Murthering Thoughts and Imaginations. Thus the very original Spring of Man’s Heart was Corrupted, from whence did issue forth such Dark and Hellish Cogitations from the Nature of the Dragon. So that God’s Spirit was even weary with striving against such a continual stream of evil. Upon which account the Years of Man’s Life was shortened, because no improvement was made, of so many Hundred Years, which were lived before the Flood. The most Holy One hath regard to what are the Purposes and Intents of the Heart: if they be corrupted, God takes no pleasure in any appearance of good, that any do act. Therefore our Lord Jesus did love to convince the Righteous Scribes and Pharisees hereof. Who did see and well know the Thoughts of their Hearts, what they were to Godward, however Holy and Zealous they seemed for to be. Therefore he plainly deals with them, that no outward covert of seeming Holyness would avail, while the Heart was sending forth that which was Bitter, Envious, and Wrathful, and Hellish, which proceeds from the evil Imaginations, flowing from the Dragon’s Nature. These were those evil Imaginations that would Kill and Murther the Heir of Life inwardly in themselves, as they did Kill outwardly the Heir of Life in Flesh. Such Thoughts as these may be said in some kind to be Soul-Murtherers. These are all of that sort, which are to be exiled from the Throne-Will in which the Spirit of the Lamb is to live.

Now in the second place, Let us consider those evil Thoughts, that are temporary and sensual, not having the Spirit of Holiness in them, all which Earthly Thoughts proceeds from the Earthly Spirit of this World, and from the Earthly Constellations awakening them. As the former evil Thoughts proceed from the Nature of the Dragon, so do these from the Nature of the Beast, and therefore are carnal, sensual, fleshly, and evil in their degree, and do Kill, Murther, and Stifle the Life of God in themselves, as the former, and therefore they are to be banished from the interiour Throne-Will, in which the Spirit of Christ is to live. But it may be objected against the Generation of both these evil Thoughts, that though we through the Spirit may restrain the effects of Sinful and Fleshly Cogitations, yet it seems impossible to stop the Inundation of them; they are so swift, and can come in upon us as every sense stands open to what is of this earthly State, that lieth wholly in evil, which is the Subject they do work upon, and from which they are awakened. It is undeniable, that we are liable to this danger from Adam’s Root in our selves, hence all Bitter, Envious, and Wrathful Cogitations, together with all Earthly, Carnal, and Sensual Cogitations do spring. But yet we are not left without a Cure for this intrinsical first cause, from whence all Souls’ deprivation from God doth proceed. For this also help is provided, by renouncing, and abhoring, and stifling our own Thoughts, as they appear to be evil, trying every Spirit of this sort, by the Saphire-Stone of Fire, that will burn up both the Hellish, and light chaffy earthly Conceptions, that would so aptly over-run our whole Ground, that so nothing of the good Seed might be suffered to spring. Now as we shall through Conviction, from the Spirit of Love, judge down all these evil Thoughts, that spring from this bitter Source, so Power of Eternal Might will come in to our aid. As in Elisha’s time, the Inhabitants of Jericho complained to him of the Naughtiness of the Waters, that made Barrenness and brought Dearth, who by a Cruise of Salt healed the Waters, that so the Ground brought forth Fruit of a right kind. Truly this may be very fitly applyed, to that superfluity of Naughtiness in the imaginary Minds, which thus drowned are in the corrupt Waters, that do break in, from the Earthly Senses opening, and do with them bring Death and Famine.

Now who can redress us? but the Lord our Prophet, who is nigh to hear our complaints, and to cast somewhat in, that may alter the whole Property and Nature of our Cogitations, as Elisha did the Waters. Even so such a change produced may be from that rich virtual Cruise, wherefrom the true Seasoning of the pure Deity is dropped in, which verily can only heal all our Springs, and make them rise high and clear, without the Earthly Mud of Sin.

Now we are to consider a Threefold Generation of Cogitations, that in their course do move from their several Centers.

As first the Evil Thoughts and Hellish Cogitations arise from the dark World, and from the Center of Darkness, and from the Nature and Spirit of the Dragon in us.

2dly, The Evil, Earthly, Fleshly, Carnal sensual Thoughts, and Cogitations do proceed from the Center of this Earthly Principle, and from the Nature and Spirit of this great World in us, called the Beast in the Revelations. All these Evil, Vain, Earthly, and Impertinent Cogitations do continually arise from the Earthly degenerated Life, whereof it is said that God is altogether excluded out of such Thoughts. Now from this same Center, there do proceed Conceptions, Thoughts and Cogitations that are not so grossly sinful, as the former. For these relate to making Provision for this temporal Being, to which an allowance may be given as lawful and necessary, but yet in Subordination to the Rule and Law of Faith, to which they all are to be bounded, as keeping to the outward Court of the outward Mind, that is, to the Mind of Sense and Reason, belonging to the outward Man, but not to intrench upon the inward Mind of the inward Man, which is the Holy Place.

3dly, From this inward, still, passive, and silent Mind, belonging to the inward Man doth the Third degree of Thoughts, and Cogitations proceed, and spring from. These are all Pure, Heavenly, and Celestial, they are from above, from a Heavenly Center, they come all from the Divine World, from the one Element, and Orb of Lights all flowing from the Nature of the Spirit of Christ, moving in the silent Superiour Mind of the inward Man. None of those other must thrust themselves into the Heavenly Presence of the King; neither can they indeed find any way in, but are sent back again with derision and shame.

The Lord knows his own Holy and Pure Offspring, which are under Consecration, that do always wait in the Temple of the silent Mind, as Ministering Spirits to take and receive, what the Wisdom and Counsel of the Holy Trinity shall give forth further: These are the worthy and safe Counsellours, that do stand about the superiour Spirit of the inward Will and Mind, as will establish the Kingdom of God in such a way in us, as no Satanical Force shall be able to destroy. But hereby we shall come to have all pure Purposes and Decrees, pure Thoughts and Cogitations from the Holy Center of Light and Love in our selves, flowing from the Spirit of Christ in us, moving and acting. Thus the Kingdom of Love, Joy, Peace, and Purity will be fully established in us. Oh the Fruitful Seasons, which will then be known in our climate, the Waters of Life generating such pure Thoughts, as may usher into the very Throne of God, as a guard or train of Heavenly Powers, which are admitted into the secret Counsel of the most Holy. The Holy Spirit needs no greater argument to provoke us by, than what here hath been revealed. Therefore let us be wise and know this last Heavenly Center, whence this last Degree of Heavenly Thoughts do proceed, wherewith our God may ever be with us in Communion of pure and holy Thoughts.


February 20. 1678.

The Sacred Fire. A Vision.

TOWARDS the Morning, being in contemplation of what the Spirit Ministered unto me of Eternals, I saw as in a Circle a pure azure Blew rise out, that turned into a white transparent Flame, which by somewhat that was sprinkled upon it did mightily encrease. The Vision passing away, and being prevented at that season, of waiting for an opportunity of it, I could not know its significations.


February 21. 1678.
The Interpretation of the Vision.

THE next Morning calling it over again, and observing the way, which the Spirit dictated, as the Fish into the Sea did sink to bring up the Treasury of Light and Knowledge which was hereby found, being explained unto me by an internal Voice, which told me, that I had seen the gulf of Eternal Light, from whence the matter was generated. This Spirit of Power and Life, that shall enter into Nature all of God to renew evidently, where this shall have its opening, it will work consumingly, and yet therefrom shall come a Body of encrease, that shall be Mighty upon the Earth. For it is the sparkling Fire-Seed from the Deity, that will for it self create a meet Tabernacle for the Holy Trinity’s Manifestation. Then was it declared that this Sacred Fire had now begun its enkindling in our Earth, therefore have regard unto it, that nothing of this World quench it, but keep it pure and entire, and then the Deity will sprinkle that with Fuel: For its great encrease shall be brought forth substantially, into working Powers, operatively to make good and fulfill all of Prophesie; which only the sure Testimony can give, that God is again returned into Humanity, therein to fulfill the grand Mystery of a compleat Redemption. Which no other way finished can be, but through this Fire-Baptism, which each one may and must feel in themselves, as a rising pleasant Flame, which will do no other hurt, but to consume that, which hath been introduced from the strange Spirits. Therefore let us seek and pray earnestly for this Celestial spring to rise, for to recover us into the original Purity, to which we have lain so long, as slain.


February 22. 1678.

The Unlimited Gift.

THIS Word came to me from the Lord Jesus, saying, As all things of the Father, whether in the Heights above, or in the depths beneath are now mine, by vertue of my fulfilling all of his Will and Pleasure: Even so, that shall be derived to you from me, if ye shall fulfill my course, after the Law of the Spirit, and bring an offering up of a pure Mind, and a surrendered Will, that your Vessels may ever be supplyed with the Kingdom’s Store. Then no more room can be for Worldly Stuff: for all of this kind is chased out, that the Lord from Heaven may be all in all.


[ From the Authentic Version of Jane Lead's Journal of her Spiritual Encounters ...
— Entries from the beginning of 1678 through February 22nd, 1678
from Volume THREE,  Part One,  of A Fountain of Gardens: this was File 1 of 4. ]

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